When you own a title, you own exclusive rights to the property and can sell it, alter it, and use it as you please. According to law, individuals can’t sell properties they don’t own and all aspects of ownership are mentioned clearly in the title document. At Elite Title Company , we can help with all kinds of title disputes and problems so don’t hesitate to call us if you have any concerns: How to avoid title disputes? Avoiding title disputes is easier than resolving title disputes in Bella Vista AR . Title disputes can take up a lot of time, money, and effort, which is why it’s a good idea to get the title investigated before purchase. Our team can find the registered title of the property and examine the documents carefully. They will look for any liens and disputes that might cause a problem down the line and give cause for people to contest your ownership. Once all the title documents have been carefully examined, they will provide a thorough report on their findi...
A title company coordinates the interests of all parties, including the buyers, sellers, real estate agents and mortgage lenders. They make sure that all the requirements for settlements are fully satisfied. The accuracy and the completeness of the title process involve the following process: Conducting a survey : The premier title company orders a survey, with the buyer’s authorization, and review any potential problems. Title Abstract : A research is conducted on the title of the property through title abstract, which provides a history of the property and ownership. Title insurance policy : The title company prepares the insurance commitment for the lender’s title insurance policy and issues both owners and lender’s coverage. Property taxes : Verification is conducted with the local or state taxing authority that the property taxes are up to date. Loan document closing : The title company coordinates with the mortgage lender to receive the loan closing documents. ...